What to do if you have suffered from a Sports Injury?

About Injuries

Do all sports injuries signal the untimely end to a fruitful, athletic career? Absolutely not. Sports medicine has been tailored to address these issues with professionalism and expertise. This area of medicine centralizes most of its efforts on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Whether one plays basketball, baseball, or football, injuries are a very common occurrence, and they plague athletes of all ages.

The application of sports medicine, in this context, is fundamentally clear. Ill suited or avoided treatments can render an athlete incapacitated, or incapable of performing his athletic role. However, sports medicine, and the proper course of action, can facilitate and expedite healing. Even the most serious fractures can be remedied with the proper course of treatment. The key is to know what to do and how to do it, when these injuries arise during one’s life.

Read below to discover the most common sports injuries and how to treat them. While there are literally hundreds of different injuries that affect athletes, the few that are listed account for most of those injuries in the majority of all cases.

Achilles Tendonitis

Sports injuries are as eclectic and diverse as the athletes who have them. One of the most common sports injuries happens to be achilles tendonitis. This tendon is located on the rear portion of the ankle. When it becomes inflamed, or overworked, it can erupt in painful symptoms. If this condition does not receive the proper treatment, it can permanently impede running and result in a chronic, painful condition with no cure. Generally speaking, sports that entail ballistic movements, running, leaping or jumping confer the greatest risk for this type of injury.


This injury can be prevented by using proper strengthening and stretching exercises geared to that part of the body.

Best Treatment

The best course of treatment involves RICE, or, rest, ice, compression and elevation. Generally speaking, anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed. It is also possible to strengthen this area incrementally with specially prescribed, rehabilitative exercises.


A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that results from blunt force trauma to the head. When a concussion develops, noticeable symptoms begin to emerge, including disorientation, amnesia, loss of consciousness, nausea and severe headache that is distinguished by its marked severity. Usually, concussions are observed in sports such as American football and boxing. Most often, concussion sufferers can recover within a few weeks. However, successive concussions can halt an individual’s career and impair their neurological health.


The best preventative treatment that one can take is to avoid sports that involve extensive physical contact. Of course, for an athlete, this is not feasible.

Best Treatment

Concussion can be treated through sufficient rest, and anti-inflammatory medication. Furthermore, severe concussions may require that one avoid sports for weeks or months in some cases. If one were to return to sports too prompt, this would result in second impact syndrome, which can result in death.

Groin Strain

A groin strain impacts the groin or adductor muscles. These muscles, which are structured in a fan like orientation, are located in the upper portion of the thigh. This muscle is critical, as it helps integrate leg movements during running and sports. However, when a groin strain occurs, it produces sharp pains, swelling and bruising in some cases.


In order to prevent a groin strain, it is recommended that one engage in sufficient groin stretches before physical activity. It is also recommended that one incrementally build up to the desired intensity of exercise or athletic activity. This will prevent you from shocking and potentially straining the muscles.

Best Treatment

The best treatment method to undertake involves consuming anti-inflammatory medications. Furthermore, rigorous activities, along with immediate exercise, are not recommended during the initial stages of recovery. However once the symptoms begin to improve, you may undergo a gradual buildup to more intensive activity with a rehabilitative, teaching and training program designed for your needs.

Shin Splints

A shin splint is a painful sensation that develops along the shinbone. When the muscular fibers inflame around the shin bone, this painful sensation emerges. This condition is caused by intense exercise, jumping, running on hard surfaces or cement, and ill suited shoes.


In order to prevent shin splints, one must wear suitable shoes, engage in cross training and stretching exercises, and build up to a higher intensity over time.

Best Treatment

Treating this condition requires icing, stretching, and medications that reduce inflammation in the body.